• Le Jardin Du Pavillon

Company name : SARL Le Jardin Du Pavillon
Head office : 5 place du Général de Gaulle
45000 Orléans
Tel 02 38 81 16 18
Cell 06 86 18 71 28
E-mail : adresse e-mail de Le Jardin Du Pavillon
Registration number : 79742253200011
Site publication director : Lefevre Fabien
VAT No. : FR64797422532

Host : Owentis
Company name : SAS Owentis
Head office : 53 rue Baudin
92300 Levallois Perret
RCS de Nanterre : 405 398 736

This site is owned by Youlead facility located 35 rue Emile Dewoitine ZA Papillon 37210 PARCAY MESLAY.

1 - Terms of use

Le Jardin Du Pavillon provides its services under reserve that you to respect the present conditions of use, that can be changed at any time by Le Jardin Du Pavillon.

2 - Intellectual property

According to the laws poverning intellectual property, the reproduction or the use of elements found on this internet site, whether complete or partial, is strictly forbidden. Only are maintained the legal exceptions among which personal non-commercial use only (representation in the family circle, or private copy or the right to a short quotation.)

Thus, all the texts, photos, logos, brands and other elements reproduced on this site are protected by the right of intellectual property (Right author, right(straight) neighbour, right(law) of the marks(brands)).

Any total or partial of this site by any means whatsoever, without the express permission of the operator of the website is prohibited and constitutes counterfeit sanctioned by articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Same is true of any databases contained on the website which protected by the provisions of the Act of 11 July 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code (IPC) of the European directive of 11 March 1996 on the Legal Protection of Databases.

3 - Personal datas

Le Jardin Du Pavillon complies fully with all applicable data protection and consumer legislation, and will treat all your personal information as confidential.We will not pass on your personal details to third parties. Le Jardin Du Pavillon makes a commitment to assure everyone who will make the demand a right of access, rectification and deletion of the datas concerning him/her.

4 - Responsabilities

Le Jardin Du Pavillon decline any responsibility for the difficulties met during the access to its site or for any failure of communication.

Le Jardin Du Pavillon has the right to modify, to interrupt the site temporarily or permanently ( whether completely or partially ) , without previous notice. Le Jardin Du Pavillon can be on no account considered as person in charge against you or against a third party of any modification, interruption or suspension of the site.

5 - Links

You are free to establish links towards this site, as long as they don’t affect the interests and the image of its editor. You are allowed to establish links towards the pages of this site , only if they are in the followinf formats : html, php, xml.

The practice of framing is strictly forbidden, as well as any other practice or technique which could confuse people.

Deep links towards documents in the pdf, doc, or rtf formats are prohibited. In fact, those types of documents don’t allow people to read the conditions of use.

Le Jardin Du Pavillon is absolutely not responsible for the contents of Internet sites that can be reached through its website.

Enjoy your visit.

Updated on October 20, 2022.

Photo credits :

  • karepa@ adobe stock
  • Mémoire utilisée par PHP : 2.48 MB
  • Pic mémoire allouée par PHP : 3.33 MB
  • Temps d'execution du script : 0.639 s
  • Lang : en
  • Path : mentions-legales
  • Route : disclaimerPage
  • $okt->page->module : disclaimer
  • $okt->page->action : item
  • Title tag : Legal Notice - Le Jardin Du Pavillon
  • Title: Legal Notice
  • H1:
  • Meta description:
  • Meta keyword:
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logged, csrf_token, prev_url) VALUES
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= 1 THEN
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pl.contenu_titre,  pl.contenu_ss_titre,
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pl.secondaire_texte_mobile, pl.primaire_slug,
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#1 oktThemeAnim->init( called at [/oktInc/classes/themes/class.oktThemeBase.php:61]

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