Le Jardin Du Pavillon : A traditional restaurant in Orléans.

One of the must-see addresses for gourmets.

A traditional and tasty cuisine to discover.

The menu

Situated at the crossroads of the edges of Loire, main commercial roads and of the historic center. Le Jardin Du Pavillon became one of the must-see addresses for several years. A stone’s throw from the Jeanne d’arc house and on the De Gaulle place, the restaurant is listed as a protected monument with its architecture.

It proposes a simple, gourmand, and seasonal cooking which allies modernity to vegetable and historical surroundings. Our cooking is simple and generous, reflecting the traditional French cuisine. We pay close attention to work with local and fresh products to enhance our creations.

The menu

The restaurant

Exploring tasty and healthy courses

The restaurant

Our specialties

A traditional cooking revisited for your pleasure

Our specialties

Our menu

Local wines and food pairings

Our menu

A family story: Chef with open-mind

Le Jardin Du Pavillon respects family traditions. The two joint-managers come from a restaurant owner family already famous in Orléans. They contributed with their parents to the creation of the “Chancellerie” restaurant.

Strong of their experience acquired in their youth, the brothers decided to create le Jardin du Pavillon, after their “coup de coeur” for the verdant place promised.

You could find a restaurant with a welcoming atmosphere, nearly a family place that joint-managers strengthen with their staff and customers.

This atmosphere comes from their family link. Our two joint managers are complementary and will try to answer all your requests.

Book a table in the restaurant

In search of excellence ? Take a culinary break in the Jardin du Pavillon!

Our two joint managers are committed to share their discoveries through their restaurant, especially concerning the wine or new meat breed. Thus, they will regularly suggest novelties on the menu and on the wine card to share with you their discoveries.
Le Jardin Du Pavillon would rapidly become a meeting place where you would appreciate all your meals.

Don’t hesitate to call us at 02 38 81 16 18 or fill up the  contact form.

Contact us

  • Mémoire utilisée par PHP : 2.82 MB
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  • Lang : en
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  • Title tag : Traditional restaurant with terrace in Orléans | Loiret (45) - Le Jardin Du Pavillon
  • Title: Home
  • H1:
  • Meta description: Le Jardin du Pavillon invites you to its restaurant with its historical and vegetal setting to enjoy authentic and modern cuisine.
  • Meta keyword: Restaurant, traditional restaurant, traditional cuisine, local and seasonal cuisine, French specialties, foreign specialties, quality French wines, Orléans restaurant, traditional Orléans restaurant, traditional Orléans cuisine, local and seasonal Orléans cuisine, Orléans French specialties, Orléans foreign specialties, quality French wines Orléans, restaurant Loiret, traditional restaurant Loiret, traditional cuisine Loiret, local and seasonal cuisine Loiret, French specialties Loiret, foreign specialties Loiret, quality French wines Loiret, restaurant 45, traditional restaurant 45, traditional cuisine 45, local cuisine and seasonal 45, French specialties 45, foreign specialties 45, quality French wines 45.
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